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Kat Thompson
Portrayer of the Spirit of the West


Welcome to my world where you can enjoy a feast for the eyes in western art. I hope you will experience a relaxing moment in time with big country, cattle, horses, western subjects and history. I’m a firm believer that laughter is good medicine, so, at times you’ll also find a bit of humor and cowboy logic thrown in the mix!


Mostly self-taught in my art, I enjoy working in many mediums- sculpting, graphics, watercolor, acrylic, and oil. I am blessed to live in ranch country in the beauty of western South Dakota where I have an endless bounty of resource material -I will never run out of ideas or subject matter for my next drawing or painting.


I believe that you create your own luck and success when preparation and hard work meet opportunity. To have talent is no credit to its owner. To make a living with that talent takes perseverance and God’s timing to catch those opportunities. I’m still working with God on the timing. I just may become a Grandma Moses - I have hundreds of ideas on the back burner just waiting to be created!



Quotes and Inspiration


I am a Charlie Russell fan and can relate to his quote- “I am old fashioned and I am eccentric [that is a polite way of saying you’re crazy]!”

“Talent is like a birthmark-it’s a gift and no credit nor fault to those who wear them.”

~Charles Marion Russell~

“I don’t know the difference between a warm color and a cool one.”

~Charles Marion Russell~


Humorous Quote: “When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.”  -Will Rogers~

Political Quote: “Democrats are the only reason to vote for Republicans.”  ~Will Rogers~

Pure Wisdom: “The older we get, the fewer things seem worth standing in line for.”  ~Will Rogers~

“Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement.”  ~Will Rogers~



“Every child is an artist---the problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”  ~Pablo Picasso~

“Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.”   ~Pablo Picasso~

“Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist.”  ~Pablo Picasso~

“I figure if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one”.  ~Calamity Jane~

“I’m not crazy, I’m just colorful.”   ~Butch Cassidy~

“There is no normal life, there’s just life.”  ~Doc Holliday~

“Destiny is that which we are drawn towards and Fate is that which we run into.”  ~Wyatt Earp~

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